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Haqqona bir so‘z

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Haqqona bir so‘z
by Tavallo
333761Haqqona bir so‘zTavallo

Fosh o‘ldi olam ichra bul, ey do‘stlar, ahvolimiz,
Hayratda qoldi ko‘rgan el, bizni qilan af’olimiz.

G‘urbatda rangi sarg‘ayib, behuda umrin o‘tkazib,
Yoshlar takalluf axtarib, nafsoniyatda cholimiz.

Qilg‘on ishi doim ziyon, hech bir kushoda ko‘rmagon,
Ketti nedan, bilmam, qayon avvaldagi iqbolimiz.

G‘aflatkashida biz kabi, g‘am birla kulfat hamdami,
Shod o‘lmadik biz bir dame, hasratda qaddi dolimiz.

Maktabni qadrin bilmayur, bir ezgu ishni qilmayur,
Hargiz ko‘chadin kelmayur, nodon bizi atfolimiz.

Bosmay taraqqiga qadam, o‘tkuzsamiz bizlar bu dam,
G‘aflat bizi aylar adam, bo‘lmaski qilu qolimiz.

Ko‘rgil zamona yoshlarin, ne yerga urdi boshlarin,
Oldi o‘zin qardoshlarin, bizni to‘qulsun yolimiz.

Tushsak kurash, tiksoq yamoq, bumi hunar chopsoq uloq,
Isriq supurgi boylamoq, yo‘qtur bo‘lak a’molimiz.

Yo‘q bizda bir fikr o‘ylasak, arzir bukun qon yig‘lasak,
Til yo‘qki, bir so‘z so‘ylasak, dunyoda gungu lolimiz.

Yozsa Tavallo, turmadi, maktab sarig‘a yurmadi,
So‘zlar quloqg‘a kirmadi qirq yilgi yotkon sholmiz.

This work is first published in Uzbekistan and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Copyright and Related Rights, enacted 2006, amended 2021. The work meets one of the following criteria:
  • It is an anonymous or pseudonymous work and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is a posthumous work and 70 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is another kind of work, and 70 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
  • It is one of "official documents (laws, resolutions, decisions, and etc.), as well as their formal translations; official symbols and marks (flags, emblems, orders, banknotes, and etc.); works of popular art"