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fet«r 7 Eij. no con fet».r SC. 38, 2 (ft'tar Ti.^ nät fotur-sa ni aile ind acht braissech nania „7 Unow of nothing ehe tJtercin save pottage only" Fei. p. C; 3 fitii- Hy. 6, 7; p. 17, 22; Lg. :3_ ifidir i^ry.^; F5. 20; 87; ro titir WKsste FB. 3; 7U; 89; PZ. i nad etumar S3Iart. 43; 5 ro fetatar La. 16. (rus fettat«r sie wiissteii es E_g .) ni fetatar ^5. 132,6; SC. 12; T^. 15. — Fut. Sg. 1 Bep. CO fiasur SC. 16; 5 co fesa- ra-sii TF. p. 182, 26; 5 ben nad fesser necli do feraib MErend TE. 2 LU. arin festar cach dune SC. 27; PI. 1 CO fessamar cia uaind bus calma Tliree Hom. p. 24, 3i. — Fut. sec. Sg. 3 co fessad Hy. 4 Praef.; PI. 1 dia fesmais TE. 10 iZ7.; 9 JS"^.; co fiasmais .Xq. l__^.; 5 co fiastais esti SC.^. ^- Pass. Praet. Sg. 3 ro fess sci- tum est Wb. 23b (Z- 478); ni con fes ScM. 3, 18; CG. 6; p. 143, 2; 144, 11; FÄ. 8; ro fes TE. 10, 3 XJ^i.; Xeir ni fess a lige Fei. Prol.p. 113; PI. 3 inna hi nac/i fessa 6rZ ^m quae latent LHy. fo. 7a (Goid.'^ p. 65); alligbi ni fessa Fei. Prol. 76 (nit fessa LBr.^. — Fut. Sg.^3 co festar Lg. Ij T£. 13 Eg ; .9C. 43. — Fut. sec. CO fessta a ciso . . lais TE. 2 Eg. — Pari, necess. ba fissi fl?/. 2, 3. — Lnf. fiss.

1. feth Luft. — Acc. hi feth Gl. zu in auram Goid.^ p. 66 {South.). — Vgl. fed, tin-feth.

2 ffiih Stille, Buhe. — % iS^OHi. CO tisad feth dö ,,that a calm might come unto Mm Hy. 4 Praef ; conda tanic a sult ocus a feth p. 130, 25; hierher auch deig-fheth in clerig „the cleri&s goodly shape" Fei. p. C 27? — Vgl. do miioiiad ocus anfeith FB. 29 Eg.

3. feth i. slemain (TDav. p 93. Vgl. Göibuiu goba faciebat hastas fri teora gresa ocus ba feth in gres dedinach Corm. p. 32 nescoit („the last action was the finisli") ; dognid tra Luctine na cianna fii teora snassa ocus ba feith in snass de- dinach ihid.

feth ScM. 22, 12?

f^thaide Adj. von 2. feith, „wi- ihe-y" O'B. Crowe Siab. Concul. p. 411. — Sg. Nom. carpat fidgrind fethaidi FB. 45 (.feithendai Eg.), 47, 2*- ^1<J> 27, „a chariot wythe- u'ickercd" On the Mann. I p. CCCCLXXXI „composed of small iimber ivithed together" O'B. Croive l. c. ,p. 418.

fethaig-im III ich beschivichti- ge; fetigim sedo Goid.'^ p.bl {Wien.); fcathaighim I calm, still O'R.

fethal Abzeichen, Emblem, auch der Gegenstand selbst, der ein Emblem an sich hat; feathal i. comartha no minn O'Dav. p. 87; feuthal i. eugasg {„form) Corm. Transl. p 81; a fethol i. a n-etach sacaird Gl. zu summus sacerdos scidit vestimenta sua, hoc est ephotli Tur. 87 {„Ms decoration" Goid.^ p. 9, „insigne, ornamentum" Nigra Gl. Taur. p. 49); fethal comxsia,{,gesticktes Emblem?) 0' Dar. p. 92, mit der Glosse eccusc com- duala i in merge no in brat sida no in rinde, vgl. ni conai fethal, i. no ni coimedas ecosc däla coin, i. in meirgi no in breid sida no in raindi On the 3Ia))n. III p. 114; fethal i. com cumdaig argoid „a goblet with a silver mounting" Corm. Transl. p. 80. — Sg. Dat. sceith CO fethul chonduala la cech n-ae TBE. p. 138, 5 {H. 2. 18); PI. Dat CO fethlaib condualacha for cach n-ae „ivith emblematic carvings" On the Mann. III p. 220 {gleichfalls TBE. l. c, aber aus H. 2 16); sceith CO fethluib conndualae ibid. p. 158.

fethaniail still; feathamhuil calm CR.; von 2. feth.

fethamla F. Stille, Ruhe. — Sg. Nom. foss is fethamla „rest and stillncss" Fei. ])■ LXXXV 27.

fethaii Geflecht? — Sg. Gen. carpat fcthgrind fethaine FB. 50 (icihiAQ Eg.'i Dat. sithfe co fethain findruine FB. 50; fethain p. 310, 28 [„tvith a witheing of f." O'B. Crowe, Siab. Concul. p 414): sieg . . co lethan öir impi p 131, 19 {„covered ivith rings of gold" 0'C.^ PI. Dat.

CO fetanaib findruine FB. 50 Eg.?