coniunctionem uel per cognationem4, ut b p f, nec non g c cum aspiratione uel sine ea, x. quoque duplex5, similiter d et t cum aspiratione uel sine ea et cum his z duplex, unde saepe d scribentes Latini hanc exprimunt sono6, ut ‘meridies’.… Quin etiam s semplex habet aliquam cum supra dictis cognationem, unde saepe pro z eam, geminatam solemus ponere ut ‘patrisso7’ pro πατρίζω,
P. 12a
‘putisso1’ pro ‘πυτίζω’….
In uocalibus quoque sunt affines2 e correpta uel producta cum ei diptongo, qua ueteres Latini utebantar ubique loco i longuae: nunc etiam contra pro ea i longam ponimus uel e productam, ut… χορεία chorea[1], e[2] paenultima modo producta modo correpta3; o breuis siue longa cum u, ut bos4 pro βοῦς[3]…et ‘platanus5’ pro πλάτανος.
P. 12b
I transit in a,…paulus pauli paulatim1; in e, ‘fortis2 forte’…in o, ‘patris patronus3’…tibia tibicen4…par paris5 parricida6, 7…quibusdam tamen uidetur a parente esse compositum et pro parenticida per sincopam[4]8 et per commotationem t in r factum ‘parricida,’
P. 13a
…soror sororis sororicida1…
O aliquot Italiae ciuitates2 teste Plinio non habebant…Transit o…in e, ut tutor3 tutela….
P. 13b
Transit u…in e,…‘sacrum sacellum1’… Ponitur haec eadem
4: treaccomol cosmilse foguir ⁊ issed són desimrechtaigedarsom namma innadeud[6]5: affinis iscoibnesta ·x· do ·g· ⁊ ·c· ⁊ biid cachae ar[7] alailiu6: fogur ·z· for ·d·7: athrigimm
P. 12a
1: dofuibnimm2: coibnestai3: ꝉ .i. intan dofuarat ind ·e· timmorte indeoguir iarfoxul ·i· as· ut in ante dicit4: quia y u graecum est aris ·u· gaibes engracus5: proprium feda
P. 12b
1: in biucc2: .i. genitiuus nominis quod est fors .i. inbéstaid3: sruith athir4: erochair chétlaid5: cosmail6: cosmailoircnid inter[8] athir oircnid ꝉ tuistid oircnid7: cosmail leiss cacha[9] orr im car a fá æscare · reliqua ·8: en sillabe
P. 13a
1: sethar oircnid2: ilchathraig3: inill4: hille5: fossad
P. 13b
1: nemed
P. 11b
4. through conjoining a similarity of sound, and it is this which he exemplifies only after.5. x is akin to g and c, and each of them is for the other.6. the sound of z in d.
P. 12a
1. I cut.3. when the short e remains of the diphthong after removing the i from it, ut etc.4. because it is u that takes (its) place[10].5. the proper name of a tree.
P. 12b
3. a venerable father.4. a flute-player.6. a like-slayer (pari-cida), whether a father-slayer (patri-cida), or a parent-slayer (parenti-cida).7. alike to him whichever he may slay, whether friend or foe.8. of the syllable en.
P. 13a
1. a sister-slayer.2. many cities.3. safe.4. hither (huc).