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Non-Biblical Glosses and Scholia.

P. 22b

Aut spem deponas aut partem illusus1 omittas ·

in quibusdam autem manet immutabilis, ut ‘abrogo,’2 ‘abrado,’ et puto dif­ferentiae causa ne, si ‘arrogo’ et ‘arrado’ dicamus, dubium sit, ‘ab’ an ‘ad’ prae­positio sit3 quae mutauit suam con­sonantem in r. …‘abdo’4…‘abluo’5…‘obnitor’6

…‘bacca,’7 ‘bucca,’8 ‘soccus’9
…‘abaddir,’10 lapis quem pro Ioue deuorauit Saturnus.

Reddidit una boum11 uocem.

…f quoque sequente rationabilius12: ‘affectus’ …s, ‘assiduus.’13 …‘adfatur’…‘adsumo.’

P. 23a

Errore tamen scrip­torum hoc fieri puto1 quam ratione : nam quae sit dif­ferentia2 euphoniae3 ut, cum eadem consonans sit sequens, in aliis trans­feratur d, in aliis non4, scire tamen non possum…

P. 23b

L quacumque consonante sequente potest ante­cedentem terminare syllabam, ut.. ‘ulcus1’…‘mulxi.’2 Q et r solis sequen­tibus non inueni ante­cedentem l; nam h et k non possunt post banc inueniri3.


In n terminatur antecedens syllaba sequentibus c uel f uel g uel altera n uel q uel r…uel s uel t5…ut…‘mancus,’6… …‘con’ prae­positio ante dictionem ab r incipi­entem com­ponitur, hoc idem patitur7

P. 24a

Nec mirum, cum apud Graecos auctores artium hoc idem

P. 22b

1: .i. cuitbedach2: .i. do­aithbiuchnioirdnimm ꝉ ualligim3: indíxnaigedar4: .i. fullugaimm   5: dofonug6: frisbiur7: cáer8: oal9: assa10: cenéla liac .i. taid­minedar­som ar chiunn11: .i. innambao[1]12: .i. is dlig­thigiu a­cumscugud quam a­feidligud13: .i. uandí as · assideo · reliqua ·

P. 23a

1: .i. uarietas immutationis ⁊ mutationis uel hoc .i. cen achomthóud ·d· quod uerius est·   2: cidechor[2] .i. ar ni dechor ṁbindiusa[3] file híc sed error scrip­torum   3: bindiusa4: .i. ut non trans­feratur ꝉ non .i. naico[4] ní­cum­scaigther ·d· in aliis dictionibus[5]

P. 23b

1: cnocc2: do ommalgg3: is airdircu epirt limmson ·   4: .i. proprium nomen regis ut orosius[6] narrat · ꝉ nomen uestis caimmse5: .i. ordd abbgitir dorat forsna ɔsona6: .i. baclam .i. manu captus   7: acomthoud in ·r·[7]

P. 22b

2. i.e. I break (a bargain), or I do not ordain, or I arrogate.   3. whether it is.   10. a kind of stone, i.e. which he records hereafter[8].   12. i.e. more in accor­dance with rule is its mutation than its perma­nence.   13. i.e. from assideo etc.

P. 23a

1. i.e. without the change of d, quod etc.   2. what is the dif­ference, i.e. because there is no dif­ference of euphony here, sed etc.   4. i.e. no! d is not changed in other words.

P. 23b

3. I think I need not say this[9].   5. i.e. he has imposed on the con­sonants the order of the alphabet.   7: its con­version into r.

  1. MS. innabao
  2. = cid dechor
  3. MS. bindius
  4. MS. naico more probably than naicc, Thurney­sen: leg. naicc, which is trans­lated
  5. MS. di͠c. At the end of this column the scribe has : Γ gamma ꝉ Κ cappa ꝉ Χ chi
  6. MS. or͠o
  7. on the left margin of this column is the gloss: soldus iii tremeses habet tremesis uero scriptula et demedium
  8. Lib. v. f. 65, gl. 1
  9. cf. Vol. i. p. 415 note i