P. 22b
Aut spem deponas aut partem illusus1 omittas ·
in quibusdam autem manet immutabilis, ut ‘abrogo,’2 ‘abrado,’ et puto differentiae causa ne, si ‘arrogo’ et ‘arrado’ dicamus, dubium sit, ‘ab’ an ‘ad’ praepositio sit3 quae mutauit suam consonantem in r. …‘abdo’4…‘abluo’5…‘obnitor’6…
Reddidit una boum11 uocem.
…f quoque sequente rationabilius12: ‘affectus’ …s, ‘assiduus.’13 …‘adfatur’…‘adsumo.’
P. 23a
Errore tamen scriptorum hoc fieri puto1 quam ratione : nam quae sit differentia2 euphoniae3 ut, cum eadem consonans sit sequens, in aliis transferatur d, in aliis non4, scire tamen non possum…
P. 23b
L quacumque consonante sequente potest antecedentem terminare syllabam, ut.. ‘ulcus1’…‘mulxi.’2 Q et r solis sequentibus non inueni antecedentem l; nam h et k non possunt post banc inueniri3.
In n terminatur antecedens syllaba sequentibus c uel f uel g uel altera n uel q uel r…uel s uel t5…ut…‘mancus,’6… …‘con’ praepositio ante dictionem ab r incipientem componitur, hoc idem patitur7…
P. 24a
Nec mirum, cum apud Graecos auctores artium hoc idem
P. 22b
1: .i. cuitbedach 2: .i. doaithbiuch ꝉ nioirdnimm ꝉ ualligim 3: indíxnaigedar 4: .i. fullugaimm 5: dofonug 6: frisbiur 7: cáer 8: oal 9: assa 10: cenéla liac .i. taidminedarsom ar chiunn 11: .i. innambao[1] 12: .i. is dligthigiu acumscugud quam afeidligud 13: .i. uandí as · assideo · reliqua ·
P. 23a
1: .i. uarietas immutationis ⁊ mutationis uel hoc .i. cen achomthóud ·d· quod uerius est· 2: cidechor[2] .i. ar ni dechor ṁbindiusa[3] file híc sed error scriptorum 3: bindiusa 4: .i. ut non transferatur ꝉ non .i. naico[4] nícumscaigther ·d· in aliis dictionibus[5]
P. 23b
1: cnocc 2: do ommalgg 3: is airdircu epirt limmson · 4: .i. proprium nomen regis ut orosius[6] narrat · ꝉ nomen uestis caimmse 5: .i. ordd abbgitir dorat forsna ɔsona 6: .i. baclam .i. manu captus 7: acomthoud in ·r·[7]
P. 22b
2. i.e. I break (a bargain), or I do not ordain, or I arrogate. 3. whether it is. 10. a kind of stone, i.e. which he records hereafter[8]. 12. i.e. more in accordance with rule is its mutation than its permanence. 13. i.e. from assideo etc.
P. 23a
1. i.e. without the change of d, quod etc. 2. what is the difference, i.e. because there is no difference of euphony here, sed etc. 4. i.e. no! d is not changed in other words.
P. 23b
3. I think I need not say this[9]. 5. i.e. he has imposed on the consonants the order of the alphabet. 7: its conversion into r.
- ↑ MS. innabao
- ↑ = cid dechor
- ↑ MS. bindius
- ↑ MS. naico more probably than naicc, Thurneysen: leg. naicc, which is translated
- ↑ MS. di͠c. At the end of this column the scribe has : Γ gamma ꝉ Κ cappa ꝉ Χ chi
- ↑ MS. or͠o
- ↑ on the left margin of this column is the gloss: soldus iii tremeses habet tremesis uero scriptula et demedium
- ↑ Lib. v. f. 65, gl. 1
- ↑ cf. Vol. i. p. 415 note i