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Non-Biblical Glosses and Scholia.

est purgantur a tenebris…‘molior molimen9.’ …a pectendo ‘pecten10,’ a filo11 ‘filamen,’ quod per syncopam i[1] ‘flamen12’ dicimus. …sinae­resis[2]13 facta est duorum i breuium in unam longam. …aliae quoque uocales…sic solent ex duabus syllabis in unam longam transire, ut ‘biugae14 bigae15’… Et ex contrario una longa in duas breues saepe solet tempo­ribus diuidi: .. ‘fieri’ pro ‘firi’ uel ‘fire,’ quod magis analogum16 est, unde Virgilius in IIII Georgicon

At suffire17 timo18 caerasque recedere inanes
Quis dubitet?

…‘laqueus’ autem ‘laquear19.’

P. 54b

…‘eques equester1,’ ‘pedes pedester2’… Et sciendum quod a habent ante ‘ster’ cum in nomine primae posi­tionis nulla sit consonans inter uocales paenul­timae et ultimae syllabae3… Alia uero omnia4 e habent ante ‘ster’ excepto ‘paluster5.’ Et haec quidem denomi­natiua sunt6.

…‘furo7,’ unde ‘furens8,’ ‘furor’…‘senatus senator9,’ ‘dictatus dictator10,’ ‘tonsus tonsor11.’

P. 55a

… ‘affinis1 affini affinitas’… Sed hoc2 possumus etiam in

9: tóchrechad10: slige[3] l·   11: húandṡnáthiu .i. filum .i. snáthe nobíth himm chenn nasacardd ocind edpairt ·   12: sacart [man. al.] iouis   13: accomol14: bina iuga díguttai ḟodlaidi dirótha ind ⁊ ní deogur   15: dériad16: ind infinit · in · e · ón · bréthir in · o ·   17: fotimmthiris[4]18: ótím[5]19: druimmchlícuithech[6]

P. 54b

1: marcachde2: traich­thechdae3: .i. is and bíid · a · indib · re · ster intan nád ṁbí ɔson etir peneuilt ⁊ uilt isind anmmaimm chétnidiu · ·   4: praeter demmi­nutiua ⁊ innahí riam anu̇as[7]5: góithlachde6: ɔecat beta ṅdéainmmnigthecha ꝉ haec innahí tiagta hí ster is[8] óanmanaib dogrés bíitsidi7: bruth­naigim8: as choimtig[9]9: senatóir10: dictatóir11: berrthaid

P. 55a

1: .i. assimilis   2: tórmach tás forainmmnid

11. from the thread, i.e. a thread that used to be round the head of the priests at the sacrifice.   12. priest.   14. two separate vowels have been converted into it, and it is not a diphthong.   16. the infin­itive in e from the verb in o.   17. that thou shouldst sub­minister.   19. ceiling (?), or trap (?).

P. 54b

3. i.e. then is a in them before ‑ster when there is no consonant between penult and ultima in the primitive noun.   4. except the dimin­utives and those above before (apiaster, oleaster).   6. they may be denomi­natives, or haec, those that end in ‑ster they are always from nouns.   8. which is usual.

P. 55a

2. the addition of ‑tas to a nominative.

  1. om. MS.
  2. MS. synaresis
  3. does slige gloss pecten in the sense of πλῆκτρον? cf. Corp. Gloss. Lat. ii. 144
  4. fotim­diris Sg. 185b7
  5. tim borrowed from thymum, with lengthen­ing of the penult, as in légaim, nát
  6. see glossary to Brehon laws, p. 198
  7. not anias, as Ascoli wrongly prints
  8. under the line
  9. MS. čoimtig