ponendum, sicut nec ‘rubus10’…11praeterea communia …‘hic’ et ‘haec indecor12’ . .‘bicorpor13’ . . ‘discolor14,’ ‘concolor15.’ ‘Auctor16’ quando αὐθέντην significat, commune, quando αὐξητήν17, ‘auctrix’ facit femininum…
P. 65b
…ut ‘Antias3’ historicus, et monosyllaba[1]: ‘as4 asis’. .‘uas5’ masculinum ‘uadis,’ neutrum ‘uasis6,’ et hoc ‘fas’ ‘nefas’ ‘nugas’ etiam…quae sunt indeclinabilia7. Graeca uero…eadem seruant apud nos genera quae habent apud Graecos, si eandem seruant terminationem8… In multis enim uidemus conmotationem[2] terminationis genera quoque esse conuersa9, ut ὁ κρατήρ ‘haec cratera10’…
In ‘es’ correptam11, si sint apud Graecos communia, uel mobilia…
P. 66a
quae illi trigena[3]1 uocant. Hoc autem etiam ex ipsa rerura significatione2 potest cognosci in omnibus appellatiuis, utrum possint necne3 femininorum[4] quoque esse adiectiua uel etiam neutrorum. Quod si ipsa exigat4 significatio, in ‘es’ desinentia communia sunt, ut ‘hebes5’ quam[5] de mare6 quam de femina dicitur, significat enim ‘tardus7’ uel ‘tarda’…
10: dris l · · 11: cen mithá ara necatar coitchena in or dano 12: dochrud 13: déchorpdae 14: dédathaigthe 15: comdathaigthe 16: auctoritas · uetustas est in libro niciae autentica .i. arsata · · 17: augmentum[7] · augtorthórmachtaid[8] fosodain ab augeo
P. 65b
1: séig 2: óa ꝉ tromchride 3: amal rongab antias 4: ainm toimse 5: techt 6: .i. uás · lestar 7: atriur 8: manicumsciget tairmorcenn ni cumsciget cenel 9: ɔosciget chenel machonosciget tairmorcenn[9] 10: airedech 11: inter communia sunt · issed saiges sís reliqua
P. 66a
1: .i. treceneli[10] 2: innandúle[11] fordingrat 3: fanacc 4: .i. bete neuturaldi 5: .i. mall ꝉ baéth 6: emid difiur 7: mall ꝉ doe 8: banmíl 9: diame[12]
10. a thorn etc. 11. besides that common nouns in or also are found. 14. two-coloured. 17. auctor increaser then from augeo.
P. 65b
2. liver or ‘heavy-heart.’ 3. as for instance Antias. 4. name of a weight. 5. messenger[13]. 7. the three of them. 8. unless they change the termination they do not change the gender. 9. they change the gender if they change the termination. 11. they are among the common nouns: this is what it goes with below[14].
P. 66a
1. i.e. of-three-genders, 2. of the elements which they express. 4. i.e. to be neutrals. 5. i.e. slow or stupid. 6. (as much of a woman) so much of a man. 7. slow or dull. 8. a female soldier.
- ↑ MS. monosillabis
- ↑ leg. commutatione
- ↑ MS. trigeni uel trigena
- ↑ MS. feminarum
- ↑ leg. tam
- ↑ MS. menalaon
- ↑ a mistranslation of αὐξητήν?
- ↑ ‑thórmachtaid seems to be treated as the second part of a compound: hence the aspiration of t
- ↑ MS. machonoschiget tairmorcien
- ↑ leg. trechenéli
- ↑ MS. innadule
- ↑ leg. Dianae
- ↑ here, as in Sg. 102a1, the glossator supposes a connexion between uăs, uădis and uādo, uādis. Otherwise Ascoli
- ↑ i.e. to complete the sense inter communia sunt is here to be supplied from what precedes. See Sarauw, p. 82