pluralium discutit adiunctio eorum nominum, quae singulis numeris sunt propria suae cuiusdam positionis, quippe cum sint pluralia non a singularibus nata3.
Numeros autem hae habent dictiones4…id est nomina5, uerba, participia, pronomina. Aduerbium uero, quamuis saepe demonstret numerum6 ad significationem nominum numeralium7, non tamen quasi accedentem hunc habet8. Accedentia9 enim generalia fere sunt10 ad omnes species parti um perfectarum11. Quod enim dicas singularis numeri aduerbium uel quod pluralis? cum similiter omne aduerbium12 tam singularibus quam pluralibus uerbis adiungitur….‘singulatim13’….‘sepissime14 dicimus,’ quod in nulla parte alia numerum possidente potest contingere15 nisi figurate16….Praeterea nomen et pronomen et uerbum et participium17 declinantur18 in numeros…
P. 72a
In uerbis1 nulla uox eadem quae apud Latinos singularis et pluralis
3: .i. ar isleo feissin insuidigud hitaat ar ní rochinnset ónach uathuth etir ut nomina pluralia techtaite uathath · · · 4: ar aicciditib dóib 5: ar sluindid ainmm persain 6: .i. dofoirṅde dobriathar[1] árim fochosmailius dofóirndet nomina numeri 7: .i. fochosmailius nondafailsigetar nomina numeri 8: .i. is airi ní aiccidit di aram air cia beit dobriathra[2] persandi robiat sidi cenáraim · · 9: ataat andsom acciditi coitchenna reliqua 10: amal rongab inanmmanaib slond persine ⁊ ní aiccidit sibi calléic 11: .i. Ián .i. octo amal rongab in nomine persona ⁊ non accidens sibi 12: .i. issí indobriathar[1] chétna adchomaltar frisna briathra huathati ⁊ hilddai · · 13: ind óendaid 14: dobriathar áirme leiss sepissime 15: accomol fri huathad ⁊ hilar 16: .i. dolbud filed ut pars in frusta[3] secant 17: cenmathá dobrethir ⁊ alaaili 18: is accidit doṡuidib numerus ·
P. 72a
1: .i. quae habent personas certas .i. combad choitchen etir uathad ⁊ ilar doneuch dofoirṅde persain deirb
3. i.e. for the position in which they are is their own; for they have not descended from any singular at all, as do plural nouns that have a singular number. 4. as accidents to them. 5. for (the) noun signifies a person. 6. i.e. the adverb denotes a number even as the nouns of number denote (it). 7. i.e. even as nouns of number manifest it. 8. i.e. hence number is not an accident to it, for although there be personal adverbs, they can be without number. 9. there are there common accidents etc. 10. as there is in nouns the signification of person and yet it is not an accident of theirs. 11. i.e. full i.e. octo, as in the noun there is person, and this is not one of its accidents. 12. i.e. it is the same adverb that is joined to the singular and plural verbs. 14. he takes saepissime as a numeral adverb. 15. junction with the singular and the plural. 16. i.e. a poet’s figure, ut etc. 17. except the adverb and other (parts of speech). 18. to these number is an accident.
P. 72a
1. i.e. so that it should be common, both in singular and plural, to what signifies a determinate person.