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Liber Hymnorum.

language that would seem to point to a later origin. The following points may be noted:

(a) the rhymes dara: immada ll. 95, 96; cuire (or cuiri): huile (or huili) ll. 99, 100.
(b) Glinn da Loch for Glinn da Locha l. 20.
(c) ro-das-gáid for ro-da-gáid l. 35, ro-das-cload for ro-da-cload l. 35; ní‑s-digaib l. 36 (linn is not fem.); no‑d-guidiu l. 17 (where d has probably a relative function)[1].
(d) the verbal forms érnais (for asrir) l. 7; sénastar, rodglinnestar, millestar ll. 45, 46 (all in one verse); ‑airnecht l. 86 (O.Ir. arrícht); cech thucai l. 85[2].
(e) arutacht l. 10 may possibly be used in the sense of conutacht; on doddecha l. 81 see the note.

On the other hand this hymn, which is ascribed to Broccán Clóen, a disciple of Ultan of Ard Breccain, contains many interesting Old-Irish forms e.g. gáde l. 49, dith (for díd, the perf. sg. 3 of dínim) l. 76, both l. 70, conacna l. 100, sénta l. 38, góita l. 66. And in a large proportion of the verses there are no deviations from the Old-Irish standard except such as may fairly be put to the account of the scribes.

The connexion of the verses is of the loosest character. Miracle upon miracle is recorded with a brevity which is often obscure, and no connexion is apparent between one miracle and the other. In such a disconnected poem interpolation is easy. To later versifiers it would have been at once a pious and a simple task to add a few more marvels to the greater glory of S. Brigit. And this would be the easiest explanation of the mixture of old and new discernible in the hymn.

In the miracles narrated and in the order of their narration there is a close agreement between the hymn and the Vita Brigidae by Cogitosus[3], which forms the best commentary on the hymn. In all probability the narrative of Cogitosus is based upon the hymn.

VI. Sanctán’s Hymn[4].

In this hymn may be noted the rhyme finda: thenga ll. 17, 18, the relative d in no‑d-guasim l. 3, and possibly fitir for rofitir l. 7. The date of composition is probably the ninth century. The hymn is in two parts, of which the first, ascribed to Sanctain, ends at line 20, and the second is addressed to that saint, to the Virgin Mary, and to Christ. Sanctain is said to have been a Briton, brother of the pilgrim Matóc, and grandson of Muredach Muinderg, king of Ulaid, who died a.d. 479.

  1. In l. 73 ar-do-utacht is for ar-da-utacht, but this may be an error of transcription.
  2. Argairt for argart l. 33 may be an error of transcription.
  3. Reprinted by Windisch, Ir. Texte i. The close agreement may easily be perceived from the concordance given by Bernard and Atkinson, ii. 1 sq.
  4. Cf. Bernard and Atkinson TT. lvi. sq.