partire per septem, id est bis septeni ·xiiii, remanent ·ii: ii· feria29 incurrit luna pascalis ·xiiii·, et dominicus festi pascalis dies lunae30 ·xx est.
Item præfati circuli annus secundus est a quo31 sumunt exordium æpactæ ·xi et incidit eo anno, etc.
29: luan30: decȧólúan[1] dus infír31: .i. xi·
29. Monday.30. …from Monday if it is true.
(b) Computus (Nancy).
(Bibl. Nanc. cod. 59.)
Si uís nosse diem Kalendarum Ianuarium per singulos annos quota sit feria, sume annos ab incarnatione Domini nostri Iesu Christi utputa annos ·dcxxu·; dedúc assem, remanent ·dcxxiiii·. hós per quartam partem partire, et quartam quam partitus es adiecies super ·dc·: fiunt ·dcclxxx·. Hós partiris[2] per septem, remanent ·iii·: tertia feria Kalendæ Ianuarii. Sí ·iiii·, quarta feria. Sí ·u·, quinta feria. Si ·ui·, sexta feria. Sí asse, dominicus. Sí nihil, sabbatum. Do toscelad[3] cidlae sæchtmaine forá mbí kɫ Ian⏑ ·⏑ 1
Sí uís scire quota sit luna Kalendis Ianuariís scito quotus lunaris ciclus sit. Do toscelad cidaes nescai bíss for kɫ Ian⏑ 2
Sí uís scire æpactas lunares super unumquemque mensem per totum annum. Do toscelad æpecht for kɫ xii· mensium3·
Sí uís scire quotæ sint æpactae, decies nonies ·xxx· fiunt ·dlxx· decies, multiplicá per ·xi· undecies, etc. Do toscelad áiss æscai for ·xi· kɫ ap⏑ tribliadni incholnigtheo4·⏑
Argumenta Octimbris quibus diebus {.i. septimanæ} Kalendæ {.i. mensium} intrent unus, quattuor sex. Do toscelad lai sechtmaine foraṁbi kɫ xii· mensium5.
Argumenta Septimbris quæ sit ætás lunæ etc. Do toscelad ais escai super xii· kɫ mensium6.
1: To ascertain on what day of the week the 1st of January is.
2: To ascertain what is the age of the moon that is on the 1st January.
3: To ascertain the epacts on the calends of the twelve months.
4: To ascertain the moon’s age on the 22nd March through the years of
the Incarnation.5: To ascertain the day of the week on which are
the calends of the twelve months.6: To ascertain the moon’s age on
the twelve calends of the months.