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Babel user information
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
ja-3 この利用者は上級日本語ができます。
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
it-1 Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello elementare in italiano.
Users by language

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english | french | japanese |

A banner to advertise the logo vote in french

Doit-on tourner la page?
Le logo de Wikisource est, à tort ou a raison, en cause. Votons pour ou contre le lancement d'un coucours pour sa modification

autres consultations par langue
en ja

A banner to advertise the logo vote in english

Time for change?
Wikisources' logo is discussed. Now is maybe the time for change, shall we keep it as is, or launch a redesign process? please give your input on the whole affair

the other polls by language
fr ja

A banner to advertise the logo vote in japanese


fr en