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iss ecl lila and sin FB. 31; lä TE. 12 LU.; 13 E(j. SC. 11, 5; FB. 5; lä ocus adaig jPJ5. 2; ^). 309, 37; (tch. oc erochill lathi brätha FA. 34; 30 LBr.: lathc F.l. 33 (lathi LBr.); immcdon läthi Hy. 2, 52 (laithe LIIij.); ar debaid n-öenlai SC. 13; immucliui lai TE. 11 £'^.; deod läi FB. 9; 83; 90; Da^. isind latbiu-sa indiu Bev. Celt. III p. 178; illaithiu in messa Hy. 2, 52; cach oen lau SP. II 15; illöo FA. 2 i^r. ; illö FA. 2 LU.: Gl. zu fri de Hij. 2, 28; at lathe Hy. 5, 33; i n-oculö X'9(- X <7^11; lü; S'cil/. 5; FA 24; on lo' cu celc TüJ. 17 £^(/. ; a cach ar cach 16 TE. 7 Eg. [oder Acc.?); Oss. II 9; illathe ind fugill FA. 6 [Form des Acc, do lü LBr.) ; lathe anbige Hy. 5, 33 (G^Z. i. illö); Acc. CO lathe m-brätha FA. 29 (laa LBr.) im torachtain chucu laithe m-brätha (Si'c); FA. 30 iZ7.; lathi n-and resin t-samfuiu alle SC. 10; cullae m-brätho Tir. 5; laa n-and CC. 1 iC7.; lä n-and TE. 10 iC/.; p. 131, 13; laa n-oen TE. 9 Eg.; 11 ^/y.; läa CC. 1 ifJ.; lä n-öen i TE. 10 jEr/. ; cach n-aidche ocus I cach läi FA. 26; T^. 13 ^^.; cec/i 1 '^ laa -Lj. 12: cec/t oenlä 6'ci)f. 16; in cäla FB. 11; an la sae TE. 18 ^</.; aidchi is lä SC. 29, 12; lä ro bä-sa SC. 45, 5; PI. Nom. tri lä, tri laa SC- 1 [oder Acc.?); Gen. udi tri lä ocus tri n-aidche FB. 10; 55; Acc. tri laa ocus tri aidche Sc3I. 4; rim la SC. 44, 13?

lathrach, Gen. lathraighe, a Site O'Don. Suppl.; lätrach sen- muilind „tlie site of an old mill" ibid.; sencathi'aig na n-gennti . . it fasa cen adrad a.mal lathrach Lug- dach „like LugaüVs house-site" Fei. Prol. 205; du Läthruch Da arad Tir. 8 („Site of tivo charioteers").

liUhus 31. „heroism" O'Don. Suppl.; lathus gaile Göedel uile FB. 89, das Heldenthum, die Hel- denivürde (Abstractum von läth gaile).

latraud 3I. = lat. latro. — Sg. Nom. latrand me S3Iart. 23; Gen.i tegdais ind latraind Lat. Hy.Y Pref.

lattdiuail FB. 87, corrupt für lat anäil.

laul^acli s. lulisrach.

laurana, laurcuiri s. hiraiia, luircbaire.

laxula.vitas? r_c/Z.lac; corp sleman 710 laxu no sadailc Gl. zu cor2)len Fei. Jan. 22; Dat. illaxai ocus i tcti a collai FA. 27 (illaxu LBr.).

Ie1)ar s. lebor.

lebaid s. lepaid.

lebeud, leibheann „the deck of a ship or scuffold, gallery" O'B. — Sg. Nom. lebend . . ocus fond inichtarach na cathrach FA. 11; fris m-bruchtai ler-lebend „against ivhom burst the sea-leveV' Fei. Nov. 29; PI. Dat. for lebennib in tige Z XXI.

leblaing-, lebliiig- Perf. von lin- gim.

1. lebor = lat. Hb er (Buch); Z-^. 781; leabar Ir. Gl. 371. — Gen. stair libuir ihn Hy. 2, 87 Gl.; Acc. oslaices . . in lebor FA. 33 ; iadaid in lebor ibid.; PI. Nom. li- bair FB. 77.

2. lebor lang; leabhar long, smooth O'B.; vgl. imm-lebor. — Sg. Nom. bo..foit-lebor L g. 4, iL j^f- (— leauphar Eg.); ech . . scuap-leibor p. 310, 25. — Comp OS. leine lephur- chulpatach TE. 3 Fg.; Labraid lebar-mong SC. 33, 2 (s. lebormon- gach). — Compar. librither gabla a läma Corm. p. 36, 38.

lebormoiig'ach lang mäh n ig, von lebor-mong. — Sg. Nom. ech . . lebormongach FB. 49; 50; p. 310, 17; 24.

lebrän 31. libellus. — Sg. Dat. oc mu lebran »ST. II 3; huas mo lebrän indlinech ,56^.^^.203 (Z- 953).

lebrar i^. coli, books Three Hom. Index; Dat. allan do lebrair ,,its füll of books"' Three Hom. pi- 106, 12.

lec F. Stein, „flagstone" Beitr. VIII 317, zu unterscheiden von lia; leg logmar gemma Ir. Gl. 133, ibid. 573. — Sg. Nom. oen lecc p. 191, 9; leacc cloiche Fei. p. CLXXII 13; Dat. forsind leicc Hy. 2,_8; 31; luathither leig mui- lind a tegad Corm. p. 36, 2s; PI. Nom.