loiig-phort, longport castrum Ir. Gl. 725; 813. — S(j. Gen. ar lär in dünaid ocus in longpairt LU.p. 77i>, 3i); longbaird FB. G8, loV
löi', leör <7enM</, hinreichend; lüur sufficiens, satis Z^. 33, rr/^. lourc; ba leör sithchaire . . doib ^(-Lo. 8 ( lür -Eg .); nach lor leis di catli 'SO. iH; TE. 10, 9; FA. 7; lor lim-sa . . tri lä . . fri sodain FS. 5G; nach leör a comram sin do bor ni-brcthugud dieser Kampf reicht nicht aus um zwischen euch zu entscheiden 57. — Compos. lor-gnim satisfactio Ir. Gl. 90H.
1. lorir, lorc F. Keule, Knüt- tel, Stock; lorg clava Ir. Gl. 52; lorgg forgga, lorgg samthaigi, lorgg rammai „tlie handle of a pitchfork, the handle of an axe, the handle of a spade" On the Mann. III p. 50ü. — Sg. Gen. mätan mag- lorci möri FB. 36; Dat. dia liiircc Fei. p. CLXX -j.
2. lorg M. track Ir. Gl. 937; troop Beitr. VII 256; lorc trames SG. m^ {Z' 61); lorg (i. ben no) slighi O'Dar. p. 101. — Sg. Dat. cach fiche inna lurg fo leith CC. 2 LU.; hond Iure a recti calli devia Ml. 3ty-i, 15; nim reilge ic egem illurg demna LHy. Amr. 3 {„host" Croive) Acc. Dia dam frim lorg „hehind me" Hy. 6, 2; luid . . for lorc na tri carpat FB. 70 (lorg Fg.) PI. Nom. nöi luirg neun Truppe CG. 2 iC/. ; tri luirg din do Chornirtc oc tochim do Criiach- naib LU. p. 55^ 11.
lorgaire a f oll wer, pursuer O'B. Vgl. dos fuair a lorgairidhe roimhe ar an bh-faithche Torr. ' Dh. p. 62.
lorg-airecbt, lorgarecht indago Ir. Gl. 937; nior sguir don lorgai- reacht „he depurted not froin the tracking-' Torr. Dh. p. 66.
ma lorgdroiiinia Gl. zu spinas Gild. Lur. Gl. 168.
lose a eripple, dumh, hlind, lame O'Ii. — PI. Acc. iccaid luscu Hy. 2, 34, Gl. i. bacuchu. Hierher auch ni scel fäcbala hi lusc SC. 37, n [s. S. 233)'?
loseim III ich brenne, ver- hrenne; loisgim I biirn, singe O'R. — Pracs. Sg. 3 loscid anniand na poctach FA. 16 (h)iBcid LBr.); 17. — Praes. sec. Sg. 3 ni loisced in teni in muine p. 21, 31. — Pruet. Sg. 3 CO ro loisc a garmain p>- 48, 24; gurrus loiscc teni TE. 20 Eg. ; loiscis in garmain nue Hy. 5, 74. — Fut. sec. Sg. 3 con loiscfed ocnlccc dib in domun ulip. 191, 9; i7. — l'ass. Praes. sec. Sg. 3 ro lüiscthe p. 132, 21. — Part. PI. Nom. tolla. . bruth-b)iscthi j). 190, 32. — Inf Nom. loscud FB. 92; Dat. Emain do loscud La. IG; oc a los- -pl^ cod FA. 26; ic loscud idaltige SMart. 26; Acc. ar loscud Hy. 7, 51.
loscanii Kröte; losgän a frog, a toad O'B. — PI. Nom. ros in- darb loscaind ocus uat/tracha esti Three Hom. p. 120, 29 {Nom. für den Acc); Dat. tech län do los- cannaib LU. p. 114i>, ig {Siah. Concul.).
1. loss, los sake, pari, hehalf O'Don. Suppl.; asa los „on their pari" ibid.; ar ba cara doib Gor- thigern a los a mna utn seiner Frau willen LU. p. 3'>, 37.
2. loss, los i. er ball 0'Cl.{Corm. Tr. p. 104.
lossat F. trulla, „a kneading- trough Corm. Tr. p. 162 traill; losad trolla Ir. Gl. 42. — Sq. Gen. loisde O'Don. Gr. p. 90; Dat. le- thech din ainm do lossait Corm. p. 27, 16; PI. Acc. itir erna ocus loiste On the Mann. III p. 485.
1. lot destruction Corm. Tr. p. 101; ivound, hurt O'It.; vgl. loitiin.
2. lot i. meirdreach O'Cl, lott a harlot Corm. Tr. p. lOl.
lotte a lump Corm. Tr. p. 104 littiu.
loth Gl. zu coenum und Lern a SG. 34a (^^i. 15); Qen. aomen loi- the inferor?'»t Gl. zu Mefitis SG. 127a, vgl. Goid.^ p. 69.
lothor N. alve^is SG. 49a, {(,. Ihur canalis Cr. 39c {Z'^. 782); lothar i. amar no soidheach ina