Ad aliquid dictum est, quod sine intellectu illius10, ad quod dictum est, proferri non potest, ut ‘filius,’ ‘seruus,’ nam dicendo11 filium patrem etiam12 et dicendo seruum dominum quoque13 intellego. Quod sí intereat14, interimit una illud quod ab eo intelligitur.
Quasi15 ad aliquid dictum est16, quod, quamuis habeat aliquid contrarium17 et quasi semper adhaerens18, tamen non ab ipso nomine19 significat
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etiam illud1: neque enim ex illo nominationem accipit2…nam quamuís intereat3, nec interimit4 secum etiam illud quod ei adhaerere intellegitur.
In propriis quoque hanc uim habent5 dionima6 uel trionima uel tetraonima7 ut ‘P. Cornilius Scipio Africanus.’
Interrogatiuum est, quod cum interrogatione profertur, ut ‘quis,’ ‘qualis7a,’ ‘quantus,’ ‘quot,’ ‘quotus,’ cum suos seruant accentus8.
Infinitum est interrogatiuo contrarium9, ut ‘quis,’ ‘qualis,’ ‘quantus10,’ ‘quot11,’ cum in lectione graui accentu pronuntiantur12.
10: .i. air ni conbiasom manibé aní huanaithgnintar ⁊ huanainmnigther[1] · · 11: .i. lase asṁbiur 12: file athir leiss 13: .i. file chóimmdith leiss 14: .i. manibé 15: .i. is cuit atoíbthe[2] nammá is airi asbeir quasi .i. similitudinis 16: .i. is quasi ad aliquid asberar diib huare rombí cechtar de sech alaill · · · 17: .i. cenod filchotarsnataith etarru · 18: .i. is cuit atóibthe huare rombí cechtar de sech alaill 19: .i. bís leiss ut dies
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1: .i. aní huanainmnichfide 2: sluindith sem aduiltetaid cen ḟortacht indanmma aili · · · 3: .i. ciatbela indalanái niepil alaill 4: .i. ni airdben 5: .i. ainmnigud oen folaid húa ilanmmianaib 6: .i. deainmmnichthi 7: .i. is ar ṡodain dobeir exemplum 7a: .i. circunflex[3] 8: .i. dóig linn bed nacuit praeter qualis ⁊ combad chircunflex far suidiu·⏑ 9: .i. ecrichdatu cen immchoruarc nindib 10: .i. isidméit 11: .i. lín reliqua 12: .i. inimmfognam ⁊ issreith legind
10. i.e. for it will not exist unless there exist that from which it is recognised and named. 11. i.e. when I say. 12. that he has a father. 13. i.e. that he has a lord. 14. i.e. unless it exist. 15. i.e. it is a mere adherence (somewhat similar): hence he says quasi. 16. i.e. it is quasi ad aliquid is said of them, because each of the two can be apart from the other. 17. i.e. although there is opposition between them. 18. i.e. it is a mere adherence because each of the two can be apart from the other. 19. i.e. which it has, ut dies.
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1. i.e. that from which it would be named. 2. it expresses its proper nature, without the aid of the other name. 3. i.e. though one of the two perish the other does not perish. 4. i.e. it does not destroy. 5. i.e. the naming of one substance by many names. 6. i.e. dionyma. 7. i.e. ’tis for this he gives an example. 7a. i.e. (accented with) a circumflex. 8. i.e. it seems to us that it is the acute, except (on) qualis, and that it is the circumflex on this. 9. i.e. indefiniteness in them, without interrogation. 10. i.e. ’tis how much. 11. i.e. number etc. 12. i.e. in construction and in order of reading (in a connected text?).