productam in omni genere. facit igitur ‘paulus2’ ‘paululus3’…
Ideo ‘mala4’ quoque assumpta x ‘maxilla’ facit et ‘talus5’ ‘taxillus.’ Quae uero geminant l ante ‘us’ uel ‘a’ uel ‘um,’ in ‘ulus ula ulum’ faciunt iterum diminutiua6, ut ‘homullus homollulus’…
…‘columna columnella7.’ Excipitur ‘rana8 ranunculus.’ Eandem formam9 in ‘la’ quoque desinentia uel ‘ra’ seruant, ut…‘capra10 capella’…‘miser .. misellus11 misella misellum.’ Excipiuntur in ‘ra’ disinentium12.,.ut ‘ara arula13’ ‘terra terula14’..
P. 48b
Neutra quoque in ‘num’ . . ut ‘tignum tigillum1’..
..‘cerebrum2 cerebellum[1]’…‘flagrum3 flagellum’…‘sacrum sacellum4.’ Excipiuntur a desinentibus in ‘nus5’ uel in ‘na’ uel in ‘num’…‘uinum uillum6.’ Notandum etiam ‘pannus7,’ quod ‘panniculus’ fecit.
P. 49a
…‘agna1 agnella’…
…‘urceus1a’ urceolus,’ ‘alueus2 alueolus,’ ‘luteus3 luteolus,’ ‘malleus4 malleolus’… Excipitur ‘Antonius,’ quod ‘Antoniaster’ facit diminutiuum5. …‘Ericius hic noster Antoniaster6 est.’ …‘lutea7 luteola.’ Virgilius in bocolico:
Iuuenalis in primo:
Vnciolam11 Proculeius habet, sed Gillo deuncem.
Idem in eodem:
Dorio[2] nullam culto palliola.
2: bec 3: becán 4: glaine 5: odbrann 6: dígabthacha hualailib 7: columnat 8: huare nad nemantar · l · 9: emnad · l · 10: heirp 11: trogán 12: huare nád nemnat · l · 13: altóirnat 14: talamnat
P. 48b
1: clethnat 2: .i. criathar 3: .i. srogell 4: nemed 5: huare atacomlonna innadigabthsicha fria cetnidi annád foirpret inoenṡillaib 6: fínan 7: c : n[3]
P. 49a
1: dínu 1a: cilornn 2: [man. al.] lothor 3: [man. al.] .i. derg · 4: ordd 5: ní antoniolus dogní 6: arnantonánni intísiu 7: derg 8: argi 9: ɔsuidigedar 10: innadærcae fróich 10a: .i. ondscoid[4] deirc 11: in uṅgainet
6. diminutives from others. 8. because l is not doubled. 9. the doubling of l. 12. because they do not double l.
P. 48b
5. because the diminutives are matches for (?) their primitives when they do not increase by one syllable.
P. 49a
3. red. 5. it does not make Antoniolus. 6. this is our Tonykin. 9. compounds[5] 10. the berries of the heather[6], 10a. i.e. with the red flower.
- ↑ MS. l cre cerebrum l cre cerebellum. The Irish glossator takes crebrum as cribrum
- ↑ leg. Dorida nullo cultam palliolo
- ↑ kann etwa crin gelesen werden, Thurneysen
- ↑ MS. ondsoid with an imperfect letter, written over the second o, which Ascoli read as u and Windisch c. According to Thurneysen it may be read c. If so scoid is = scoith the dat. sg. of scoth
- ↑ cf. dearc-fhraoich ‘a blue-berry, billberry,’ H.S. Dicty.; Ir. fraochán, Manx freoghane ‘whortleberry’
- ↑ or perhaps ‘paints with a black powder’: cf. o suidi (gl. fuligene) Philarg. 54