'qiiis fecit?' 'ego' — relatio uero secundam" cognitionem significat, ut 'is,' 'de quo iam dixi^l' lure igitur 'hie",' quod primani cogni- tionem indicat, praeponitur, unde et 'praepositiuuin' nominatur, 'is' autem, quod secundam cognitionem significat, subiungitur, unde ef* 'subiunctiuum' pro merito nuncupatur, quod redigat'^ in memoriam 5 cognitionis primae"', ut si dicam : 'Aeueas filius fuit Veneris; is est qui^" uicit Turnum.' 'Ipse"" quoque in tertia persona per se, ut dictum est, positum ad recordatiouem personae refertur iam cognitae"; P. 198 a recte igitur demonstrationem, quae significatur per 'ille' et 'iste' pronomina, reparat memoriae' pronomen, <piod est 'ipse': non tamen 10 etiam 'ille' et 'iste' referri ad pronomen 'ipse' possunt-. Prima enim cognitio est per demonstratiua pronomina, secunda uero per relatiua^. Figurae'* enim uel discretionis uel significantiae causa* primae et secundae adiungitur. Quod autem tertiae est, ostenditur (I. p. 580) ex eo quod dicimus" 'ego feci,' 'tu fecisti,' 'ipse fecit,* et quod tertiae
11. .i. iar netargnu riam 12, .i. inti diarohe briathar linn
riam 13. foilsigud hi frecndsiwc^ 14. ol atairhir 15. .i.
atairhert hi/orathmet innapersine immeroraid riam 16. .i. inti
adruhartma?' ' 17. .i. cenacomoi naich aili do airdianaccomaltar
pronomen naill do oetet som iarum do suidiu • • 18. .i. diambi 20
foraithmet riam
1. .i. is ipronomen naithfoilsigthech doib ipse 2. nicumcat camaiph ille 7 iste beta naithfoilsigthecha dondi as ipse airis cetna netargnw sluindes ipse intan as foilsigthech .i. intan ihbis lasani asego" tu ?io'^ immalle • > 3. .1. istoisigiu didiu a cetna netargnw 25 inchoisechar per ille 7 iste (juam anetargne tanaise bis per ipse 4. .i. condib imdu de torand imiaforgnuso 5. .i. do chinniud innapersine 7 dia declior frialaili 7 is sinonn noen discretio 7 significtwj^m • • ■ 6. .i. iscoimdig linn inso
11. i.e. after previous cognition. 12. i.e. he of whom we have 30
spoken before. 13. demonstration in presence. 14. because it
brings again. 15. i.e. bringing again into recollection of the person
that he has spoken of before. 16. i.e. he whom we liave mentioned.
17. i.e. without joining any other to it, for if another pronoun be joined
to it, it (sc. ipse) is in subjection to it. 18. i.e. of which there a
is mention before.
1. i.e. to them ipse is a re-demonstrative pronoun. 2. Ule and iste, however, cannot be re-demonstrative to ipse, for iptse expresses together the first cognition when it is a demonstrative, i.e. when it is with ego or tu. 3. i.e. the first cognition, then, which is signified by ille and iste 40 is earlier than the second cognition which is (expressed) by ipse. 4. i.e. so that the sign of the figure may be the more abundant. 5. i.e. to define the person and to distinguish it from another, and discretio and significantia are just the same. 6. i.e. this is customary with us. [1] [2] [3]