Zodiacum quidem xxuii diebus, et uiii horis21, sui uero cursus ordinem22 xxuiiii diebus, et xii· horis23 salua sui saltus ratione conficit. Ideoque rectius ita diffiniendum, quod mensis lunæ sit luminis lunaris circuitus ac redintigratio24 de nouo ad nouum.
f. 2a 2
xiimus Mesor, ·uiii Kalendarum Agustiarum die sumit exordium, quem ·xmo Kalendarum Septimbrium die terminantes, residues ·u· dies epagomenas25 uel interkalares seu additos uocant.
f. 2b 1
xii. Secundum mensem nominauit Aprilem, quasi aperilem, eo quod in eo, remotís nubibus pruinís ac tempestatibus hibernís, celum et terra mare nautis et (agri)culis et horoscopis26 aperiatur.
nam et edes Iunoni Monetæ27 Kalendis Iuniis dedicatæ sunt.
f. 2b 2
quod ubi contigisset, tantum28 dierum sine ullo mensis nomine patiebantur absumi, quantum ad id anni tempus praeduceret, quo cæli habitus instanti mensi aptus inueneretur.
eodem die sanctæ Mariæ…29.
paulopost Numma in honorem imparis numeri unum aducit diem
21: [In marg. inf. f. 2 verso] Et viii horis lunaribus rɫ ⁊ rethid fricachrind · binís diebus ⁊ senís horís ⁊ bisse it trímís deacc soli octimchull · ǽrat tonimchéla · luna innaóenmís ar nitesta dincotrummus[1] sin[2] · nisi dihuáir ⁊ bisse ar xxuii diebus22: .i. reim ṅ greine[3]23: [In marg. inf. f. 2 verso] Luna tridecĭ rɫ .i. ind dala ⁊ inna iiii· horę dochaithi friarrachtin gréne iarthimchul[4] ṅdí indrindidi[5] dogres it hé immefolngat hatristimchel[6] deacc trasindami deacc æscidi(?)[7] ⁊ dano frisindamí deacc æscaidi ⁊ dano fridamí deac grene: ·xxui dies didiu cocenn damí deacc issed immefolṅgi dindib laib ⁊ iiii horis in anno et laithe et uiii horae testat de combath chomlan[8] rith lunae contra zodiacum24: tochomlud25: forescaidi26: .i. donab nemindithib[9] [in marg. l.] hora numerus ꝉ cęlum scopin[10] intendere27: císdi28: ammar29: feil acosaccartha intemplo
21. and it runs up every constellation in two days and six hours and 2/3 (of an hour). It is thirteen months to Sol in going round as far as Luna goes round in its one month : for of that equality there lacketh nought nisi two hours and 2/3 on 27 days.22. i.e. the course of the sun.23. i.e. the two days and the four hours which it spends to overtake the sun after its circuit of the zodiac continually, ’tis they that constitute its thirteenth circuit over the twelve lunar months, ………[11]. Twenty-six days then to the end of twelve months, ’tis this that it makes of the two days and four hours in the year; and a day and eight hours are wanting therefrom so that Luna’s run contra zodiacum may be complete.24. procedure.25. superlunar.26. i.e. to the horoscopists.27. moneyed.29. the feast of her consecration in the Temple.
- ↑ leg. dinchotrummus
- ↑ more probably sin than isin
- ↑ the first word cannot be read with certainty, the last looks like grein, but there may have been a letter after n, J.S.
- ↑ leg. iar timchull
- ↑ MS. indrindi
- ↑ leg. athristimchel, which is translated
- ↑ this seems almost certain
- ↑ chomlon Zimmer
- ↑ leg. nemindithidib?
- ↑ = σκοπεῖν
- ↑ the meaning of this is not clear