sed propter embolesmum qui in Martio men(se* in)seritur….
Item anno57 (xi quia luna embo)lesmi tertio die Nonarum Martiarum (incipit).
(uno uidelicet rat)ione saltus58 amisso.
f. 4b 1
et pro xxx* consuetís undexxx· solum diebus cogitur esse contenta.
non autem transitorie commemorandum quod hoc argumentum a Septimbrio59 quidam incipiunt, ponentes eidem60 Septimbrio regulares ·u·, Octimbrio ·u·, Nouimbrio ·uii·, Decimbrio ·uii·61, cætera ut supra nos docuimus.
Verum aliis aptius multo et expeditius uidetur, ut conputatio omnis, quantum non necessitas rationis obsistit62, a principio anni sui etiam etiam apud Romanes incipiat63, et usque ad terminum anni rato atque intemerato ordine procurrat.
xxi. Simile autem huic tradunt argumentum64 ad inueniendam diem Kalendarum prumtissimam, ita dumtaxat ut aliis utens65 regularibus, quod in hoc per epactas66 facis, in illo facias per67 concurrentes septimanæ dies.
qui uidelicet regulares hoc specialiter indicant quota68 sit feria per Kalendas.
hoc tantum (memor esto ut cu)m inminente69 anno bissextili (unus concurrenti)um intermitendus est dies…
tolle70 ·uii·
f. 4b 2
[xxii.] sí ergo uis scire hoc uel illo die71 quota sit luna,
57: forcenn (noidecdi)[1]58: egipt˜ (?) hi (?) iiii kɫ 59. (.i.) óthosuch bliad(ne) egiptacdae60: …u (?) for kɫ mís[2] egiptacdai inso61: lá (?)…gum f(o)r ix(?)62: met nad frithbeir63: condib o kɫ ian˘ doinscanna64: dofius cid lae sechtmaine [marg. d.] forsombi kɫ cach mís cocenn ṁbliadne65: (i)t saini[3] riaglori inso66: [marg. d.] .i. bite for ·xi·67: .i. dobuith uiiii kɫ foraib68: cid lae sechtmaine69: .i. buth doith[4] forlaim70: cuire[5] h(uait)71: [marg. l.] dober frit[6] ál(ín) lae othus bliad(ne ɔ)rici alae frecndairc imbí[7]
57. the end of the decemnovenal cycle.58. Egyptian (?), on the fourth before the Calends.59. i.e. from the beginning of the Egyptian year.60. ……on the Calends of the Egyptian month this.61. …on the ninth (?).62. as far as it does not resist.63. so that it may begin from the Calends of January.64. to learn on what day of the week are the Calends of each month till the end of the year.65. these are different regulars.66. i.e. which are wont to be on the eleventh.67. i.e. that the ninth before the Calends should be on them.68. what is the day of the week.69. that they should be…70. put from thee.71. thou puttest the number of days from the beginning of the year up to the present day in which thou art.