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Verzeichnis der keltischen Wörter.

dapraveh 105. centelarie AIA. nadtbort £74, audbat 103, 450. eeadsid 461,

aque 121, 150, eugaiire 122, Aagustii 109.

j. Aritoria USO. aupaid £51,

aur 39,

are 245. don-curehain 452. dorrierchentinay 452. trprehoissed 452. aurtaw 452, matin 452.

aaururas 416, 452, revfsod 451.

o. «ti 11, 35. L74 a, deitioriges 150, o. aceé 11. BD, IT4. ~b- YAS. bet, Dé WT sy 31. 151.

O77. 434,439, 441, ba, be ‘oder? 144.

Oeas tht Pee 453, had 421,

‘bhavd hited B61, bean Adj. 18.

beady I pl 407. haat BOL. B76.

k, beeh S88.

ki berhger 88,

ly hades 3120, -b(me 123. 190. 433. big 33.

“bag B38.

ei “hiihe® 208,

beé M0 sg 122. 483. -haid 437,

‘hdigint BBS, at bail? 129, 333. bats 103. Baithéne 170. Beitthin 109, hbaithis T20. heiihised S4, baitsid 320. 524. beeitsian Si.


baitzisi 16.

badd, bait BO. 172. abbrudia? 353. brew 127. haneivehinnech 161. barb 119, banddten LoL. baiidea 11,

b. bea 127, bannim(aje 161. bantecfanid (GG. g. Bono 11%. g. Baas 119. k. Ganew 11%. bao 208,

bas WA, 269. Beerfind 210. has (71. 421, Lasantid St. Inist(ade 212. hater 3SO9.

af bath 323, 403, 443. attiatha 403. albathatar 408. hathius 520, bafir 399.

ban pl(ajist 520. ehber st. vo'be 43,

n. beag SS. “beb(uje 402, bebnid S74. bebeis 402,

hebté B76.

becdn LS. Bed 108, beefe) SS. 214. ko. Lede ff 493. bedg Tl.

k. bedyd? 520. k. bedyddio 520, bécive 35.

béex 3

béesad Bd.

k. beket 456. betce 214, béiuafne) Sb. 414, bdfmiren S6. bei SOL,

“beir 54.

cher A44,

asbelr 444,

do beir 302. 444. deirthi VAS. BIO. beth 412.

ar betttet 121. béiuil 51,

bila 184.

bela 3F7

av bélaib 486,

g. Byinoaut 180. g. Betisenee 1), 220. hémen. bénimen SG, bin 177.

frisher 353.

ocr her 333.

h. Benaff 332. 355,

benfajid B32. 408. 434.

hetuéach? 413.

bendachtan, -fin 413.

Benén 169.

bennarh 219.

beo Adj. 42. 122

beo Ll sg, 42.

béod(aje 212.

bévil ol.

‘béoigedar B14.

béolgidir 122.

dbéoln BO.

béathy 122,

‘heatay 398, BOY,

‘ber Tsz. 35. 338. SAD,

‘ber I sg. 834,

‘ber Pass. 348.

bere DB, BBS, 240.

~bera 54,

thera SiG.

therad Aaa,

there BAB,

‘heraé 106.

hevbfajid 119%,

herde SUA,

‘bered D4. B48,

berensda 524,

heres 30.

birt BBY.

bevid [IT sz. 34. 38. 114, 399. BB0, 443,

berid Imper. 54.

hovid BAO.

2 DAA.

eae Oli.